
Looking for something specific? Commission a custom artwork today to bring a little mess & beauty to your space.

Pet portraits, Custom Liminals & Doorways, & more!

Watercolor & Gouache Paintings

$ 3 per square inch

1- 4 week turnaround

Watercolor & Gouache on archival paper

Ideal for small portraits or landscape paintings. I can recommend suggested canvas or panel size. Minimum size 4 x 6 inches (10.16 x 15.24 cm), Maximum size 10 x 14 inches (25.4 x 35.56 cm)

Mat & frame additional price upon request.

Glass Paintings

$ 4 - 5 per square inch

2 - 6 week turnaround

Watercolor & Gouache on glass

Ideal for small to medium paintings. I can recommend suggested canvas or panel size. Price is subject to total glass layers. More detail and depth increases layers, up to 3 max.

Minimum size 5 x 5 inches (12.7 x 12.7 cm), Maximum size 10 x 14 inches (25.4 x 35.56 cm)

Frame included as part of artwork.

Charcoal Drawings

$ 3 per square inch

1 - 4 week turnaround

Charcoal on paper

Ideal for medium to large paintings. I can recommend suggested canvas or panel size. Minimum size 4 x 6 inches (10.16 x 15.24 cm), Maximum size 10 x 14 inches (25.4 x 35.56 cm)

Limited to portraits exclusively.

Mat & frame additional price upon request.

Custom Liminal Painting

$ 4 per square inch

1-3 month turnaround

Medium of choice: acrylic, oil, or watercolor

Ideal for medium to large paintings. I can recommend suggested canvas or panel size depending on space & budget.

Liminal series can be found here.

Custom Doorway Painting

$ 4 per square inch

1-3 month turnaround

Acrylic on canvas

Ideal for medium to large paintings typically in 9:20 ratio. I can recommend suggested canvas size depending on space & budget.

Doorway series can be found here.

Commission Inquiry

All commissioned art is subject to artist approval. Pricing is subject to change depending on project. By submitting an inquiry, you agree to have reviewed all commission pricing guidelines and price range the artwork requested.